White Glove Godess

Grace Kelly - Roses

Grace Kelly has been described as an icon with “intertwined qualities: white-gloved ingénue, elegant goddess, passionate—and frankly sexual—romantic”. Even today, her image graces the pages of magazines and current movie stars continue to be compared to Grace Kelly. Her name and style have become so iconic that “Grace Kelly” has almost become an adjective, ie. Grace Kelly-esque, or Grace Kelly-like, or even terms such as “Grace Kelly gown” or “Grace Kelly scarf” and “Grace Kelly gloves” .

Grace Kelly White Gloves

Gloves date back to ancient societies – they have been found in the tombs of Royalty and Bishops. Gloves may appear to be an “innocent” article of dress, but they actually have one of the most thought-provoking histories of all garments.

princess grace white gloves

In the late 1950s, women wore long, white gloves when they wanted to look ultra-fashionable and glamorous. And Grace Kelly – Princess Grace – may be the epitome of white gloves.

Princess Grace - Howell Conant - Bob Adelman books

White Glove Treatment

White gloves the essence of Grace Kelly’s wholesome appearance.

Grace Kelly White Glove Treatment


Grace Kelly still evokes red carpet inspiration: The great thing about this look is that it is quasi-universally considered chic when it comes to red carpet looks.

Grace Kelly red carpet looks


white glove trends

A true source for Princess Grace Kelly gloves is Maison Fabre and they were facilitators of the Nicole Kidman white gloves in the movie Grace of Monaco


Peek into the formidable Year of Grace

Hear Grace Kelly in this rare interview – (Film Critic Awards)

More on: History of Gloves and their significance


PS. on Grace Kelly Gloves

Great in short white gloves too!
Grace Kelly Gloves - short


Just for Fun

Notice this clever “convertible” white glove design (right hand versus left hand)



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