Prince Albert of Monaco & Twins

Prince Albert interview

More is revealed about the magical birth of the Monaco twins as Prince Albert shares his own experiences in a special edition – published on Christmas.

Monseigneur, what was your day like on December 10, and in particular, the moment of Princess Charlene’s labor and delivery?

“I stayed with my wife in the operating room. I must say, it was a wonderful experience. I was able assist in the birth of our children, to see them and touch them. And I was the only one to take pictures, but these photos you will not see. We will keep them to ourselves (laughing). The entire maternity staff surrounding us have been great. It is a beautiful adventure.”

“I was present in the operating room and assisted at their birth. I helped my wife as I could – that’s to say, by my presence. It was wonderful. I don’t have the words to describe how it felt then or the deep joy I feel now,” Prince Albert told the publication.

“Having children – and twins at that – is an extraordinary experience. It’s unique. And it’s a challenge for us as parents.”


Brush up on your French or enjoy the photos layout as you get special peek into the pages of the Monaco-Matin pull out edition.

See more about Christmas at the Palace of Monaco


More about the MONACO TWINS

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