Grace of Monaco Red Cross Speech

As Grace Kelly’s country of origin sees the movie Grace of Monaco for the first time this week, many people are wondering if the speech Nicole Kidman gave towards the end of the movie really took place. In the live-tweet event that screen-writer Arash Amel undertook the night of its USA premiere on LIFETIME TV, there was no admission to its fabrication, just a statement that this is one of the only scenes that were true to his vision.

While Amel was repeatedly evasive when specifically questioned about Nicole Kidman’s Red Cross speech, Princess Grace’s God-Daughter, Grace Dale, has come forth to set the record straight empaphically stating that the speech NEVER took place – and furthermore, the Red Cross Ball never took place as such — furthermore, French President General Charles de Gaulle and US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara never attended such event.

True Grace vs. No Grace

Princess Grace - speech - Nicole Kidman

In a recent series of posts revealing the truth about the Grace of Monaco movie, Grace Dale transcribed Nicole Kidman’s speech as follows highlighting which words could have sounded like Grace and which ones she would never have said:

• TRUE GRACE: I’m truly touched that you would all honor our tiny corner of the world with your presence. Goodness, we’ve had a spot of trouble lately. When I was acting in New York, my uncle, a wonderful playwright, told me that I should pray the same prayer every night. That should I ever make it, I would never be ungrateful. That should I ever be in a position of influence, I would have it in me to use it for good. Some of you ask, why did I leave Hollywood? Well, I left because I fell in love with a charming Prince. A man who has inspired me to see the world with enough compassion that I may want to do something about all of the unfair things I see in it. And that is why we are honoring the Red Cross. A force for good that is very close to my heart.

• NOT GRACE: One of my dearest friends once told me that when people dream of marrying royalty, they rarely comprehend what it actually means. It means having to choose, and I chose the House of Monaco. [IT IS THE HOUSE OF GRIMALDI]

• NEVER GRACE: It may not seem a noble place, it may seem pompous and it may seem circumstantial. I may not speak its language, and it frustrates me at times.

• TRUE GRACE: But it’s my home and these are my people. And they’re good people and they’re trying to do what’s right in their own small corner of the world, in the best way that they know how.

• NOT GRACE: And those of you who are married will know exactly what I mean. Maybe I’m naive but I believe in fairytales. I do, I believe that they can exist if we really want them to. If we’re prepared to work hard enough.

• TRUE GRACE: I believe that the world will not always be full of hatred and conflict, if we’re willing to sacrifice enough. That is what Monaco means to me. And in a way, that’s why I am Monaco. I have no army. I wish ill on no one. I bear no resistance to aggression. I’m here doing what I do, trying to make a little difference in the world in the best way that I know how. But it wouldn’t be real life, or it wouldn’t be the fairytale, if there wasn’t someone trying to destroy it, or crush it, simply because it doesn’t please them, or simply because they can. I know that some of you think it’s their right to do so. But I don’t think anyone should have the right to crush happiness or beauty when they see it. That’s not how I was raised. That’s not the world I wish to be a part of.

• NOT GRACE: I would rather that the tanks roll through my lawn, I would rather that the bombs fall on my house, than know that I live in a world where love doesn’t conquer all.

• TRUE GRACE: Because, I believe in love. And I believe that it’s love that has brought us here tonight. It’s love that will make us put away our guns, and our politics, and our fears and our prejudices. And it’s love that will eventually make everything right. And that is why tonight I’m going to celebrate it, and I’m going to be willing to defend it. And hope that you will all do the same in your own way, out there in your own lives.

Princess Grace is no longer here to speak for herself, and Grace Dale does not profess to speak for her. However, having known Grace, she feels called to defend her legacy. Her series of rebuttals towards the Grace of Monaco movie, including what is “Reel versus Real”, the question of “Grace of Monaco as a Biopic”, Grace and Rainier’s relationship “Together or Separate”, her fairytale story “No Tears and No Prison”, can be found on while the book My Days with Princess Grace of Monaco is available through Amazon around the globe or at


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