Green Heart Monaco



Prince Albert of Monaco has become a role model in the environmental movement – his personal and business practices have earned him a nick-name as the “Green” Prince.  

Step Generator

One of the emerging eco-technologies (and winner of the 2013 Green Apple Award) is based on piezoelectricity, the creation of energy from kinetic movements thanks to the properties of captors formed by certain crystals, activated by pressure, in this case from a vehicle like an automobile or a train, or by the weight of a person. 

Energy Harvesting Generator


Green Heart Monaco has installed one linear meter on a portion of Avenue Princesse Grace with cells capable of generating energy whenever a car passes. “If we install such generators on 20% of the roads in Monaco, we will be able to provide energy for the entire Fontvieille area,” says the young entrepreneur Lorenzo Novelli, who with his partners already has plans to expand into Canada and France. This type of crystal costs about one euro. Its life span, connected with the wear caused by the asphalt, makes it easy to recover the investment.  

Green Heart Road Technology

This new green technology transfers to power generated from Rail and even Foot traffic – with the added benefits of generating traffic statistics.

Green Heart Rail Technology



Smart Floors 
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